Good Golfer » Rules & Etiquette

Rules & Etiquette

Rules of Golf

The rules of the game were written by and are updated by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews (the R&A).  Founded in 1754 the R&A were the first club to write any rules and very quickly these rules were adopted by golfers everywhere.

A book of the rules for the game is published by the R&A and they administer these rules for all golfers, amateur and professional, throughout the world except for the USA, Mexico and Puerto Rico  who have their own very similar version produced by the USGA - the United States Golf Association. These rules include the equipment that can be used as well as for the playing of the game.


The very first section of the rule book covers the etiquette of the game. There is much history and tradition attached to the game and golfers pride themselves on showing high levels of courtesy and consideration to their fellow golfers.  Some of the common examples of expected etiquette are as follows:

  • Keep a good pace of play.
  • Invite faster golfers to play through.
  • Replace your divots.
  • Rake bunkers once you have played from them.
  • Repair pitchmarks on greens (for definition of pitchmarks see glossary)
  • Remain still and silent while people are playing

A knowledge of Rules & Etiquette is as important as being able to hit a good golf shot and we have developed the most effective way to learn what is usually thought of as being pretty boring.

The four Quiz sections contain 88 different scenarios in a multiple choice quiz format with videos showing golfers doing something they shouldn't!!  Dip in and out or work through the whole section, the choice is yours.  You can work through them consecutively (best for the first time), at random or use the index to find a question which relates to a specific topic.

The Golf Foundation have been using our Rules & Etiquette video quiz to teach their youngsters for several years.

For the Quiz proceed as follows:

  1. Read the question
  2. Watch the video clip which will show golfers doing something wrong!!
  3. Read each of the answers carefully and select the one you think is correct.

Don't worry if you get it wrong, you will be told why the answer you have chosen is incorrect and given another chance. Most of the correct answers use a video to illustrate the correct procedure.

Around & About Quiz (12 Q's)

On the Tee Quiz (15 Q's)

On the Fairway Quiz (30 Q's)

On the Green Quiz (31 Q's)

Additional R&E

Local Rules



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