Welcome to Let's Get Golfing, the online home of golf...
What is Let's Get Golfing?
Let's Get Golfing is a new concept in golf websites, it is our aim to produce a single web site where you can find out everything you need to know about golf from where to start for beginners, to advice on how to turn professional for elite youngsters - with everything in between.
What makes Let's Get Golfing so special?
There are two major difference between Let's Get Golfing and other websites, the first is our use of video and the second the sheer diversity of golf related subects. Most of our content will be video based, and produced to a high standard, if you want to trawl the internet you may find a small percentage of content similar to that found on Lets' Get Golfing - tuition clips for example are fairly common although many are poor quality video or use text and photographs! BUT 90% of the videos on Let's Get Golfing are unique to us and you won't find them anywhere else. As for subject matter you won't find another website which covers golf so comprehensively as Let's Get Golfing.
What will you find on Let's Get Golfing?
We feature advice and information on all aspects of golf, for those new to golf we help you Get Started then we will guide you through the basics and help you improve. There is lots of information, tips and advice for Intermediate and Skilled golfers right up to help if you want a career in golf.
- Tuition clips from PGA Professionals which will complement instruction given by any Golf Professional - Intermediate Tuition which includes Bunkers, Chipping Up/Down Hill lies, etc., and some Awkward Lies! - Statistics to help you improve with structure. Psychology - the mental side of golf featuring a number of experts.
- Rules and Etiquette, using our acclaimed interactive video quiz with 88 different scenarios we make learning R&E fun.
- On The Course covers the Essentials of where to stand, what to do and how to behave. Balls in Unusual Places, an easy reference which helps you find out what to when your ball goes astray. Plus information on Scoring, Handicaps and Competitions.
- Equipment tells you all you need to know about clubs, balls, bags, trolleys and accessories.
- Physical shows you how to warm up properly before you start to play, helping to prevent injuries.
- Careers in golf and advice from those who work within a wide range of careeers all involving golf.
- More - helps you find updates quickly and lists other usfeul 'extra' information.
Who provides the information on Let's Get Golfing?
We only use content from professionals and organisations to ensure accuracy and usefulness. Contributors are either PGA Professionals who have specialised in various niches in the golf world, or others who are experts in their own field.
What standard of golfer can benefit from Let's Get Golfing and how will Let's Get Golfing help my golf?
For new golfers we provide content which will help you learn and inspire confidence, we will demonstrate all the common procedures so when you venture out on the course you will know what to do and how and when to do it, from attending the pin to repairing pitch marks care of the course is an important part of playing golf.
For mid to low handicappers we have advice from experts and a comprehensive Satistics section which will help you keep track of your performance, identify areas of weakness and help you improve.
How often is content updated?
We add new content to Let's Get Golfing on a regular basis. Simply go to the Updates page to see what is new. The next few months will see a great deal of new content and we will shortly be starting to add monthly tips from a variety of golf experts.
Why do I have to pay to access the information on Let's Get Golfing?
The content of Let's Get Golfing is expensive to produce, primarily due to the cost of professional video productionl. We could seek commercial advertisers but feel that this would spoil the impartiality of Let's Get Golfing especially with regard to equipment reviews - which will be a new feature for 2013. Having lots of coloured banners and logos would also spoil the appearance of the site!
Are discounts available for membership?
Discounts for membership may be available at your golf club or through your local PGA Professional, if they have not already got a scheme set up ask them to contact us. A number of clubs recommend membership of Let's Get Golfing for new inexperienced members and some PGA Pros will include the cost of membership if you book a series of lessons with them.
How do you decide on content for Let's Get Golfing?
We have created a development plan for Let's Get Golfing content based on the needs of all golfers from beginners to elite players wishing guidance on turning professional. This has been appraised by professionals and organisations and a significant increase in content will be rolled out during 2013. We also receive feedback from members asking specific questions, or for more information on specific subjects. Let's Get Golfing is continually evolving and we ask members to let us know if there is anything they would like to see which isn't already featured. We value the input from our members.
Will I be able to find a local PGA Professional?
We have a number of golf Professionals signed up to Let's Get Golfing and they can be found listed on the Recommended Professionals page. More are joining on a regular basis so if there isn't one near you keep checking back or let us know and we'll find one for you.
The cost for this?
Join now and access Let's Get Golfing whenever you want, learn at your own pace and take advantage of the regular updates.